25 paise becomes History!

25 paise has been awarded death sentence! Yes, you won't be able to see any 25 paise coins from tomorrow.
The inflation bug has hit the currency too and RBI has decided to withdraw 25 paise coins from the market from tomorrow. Today was the last day to exchange coins with the banks or the Reserve Bank of India.
Different types of 25 paise coins

We all have so many fond memories attached to this 'chavanni' or 'nalakkane'. There were days when we used to get handful of toffees. If we go a generation back, this little coin was sufficient to fetch a basket-full of stuffs.

Different types of 25 paise coinsDifferent types of 25 paise coins

Different types of 25 paise coinsDifferent types of 25 paise coins

Do the remaining coins find a way to your 'collectibles'? Do share your memories with 25 pasie coins.


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